niki mcneill brown interior designer

Niki McNeill Brown

Founder & Principal Interior Designer

Niki originally attended UNC Chapel Hill as a pre-med student, only to realize that the business of medicine was not for her. After some soul searching, Brown realized that interior design was the perfect mix of the technical process—technology and principles of design—that spoke to both the designer and scientist in her and would allow her to create a tangible, visible final product that would treat both her and her clients to world-class design.

Soon after completing her bachelor’s degree in Psychology, she enrolled at Meredith College in Raleigh where she completed a BS in Interior Design and has been immersed in the industry ever since! 

Brown spent the first five years of her design career in Atlanta, GA. There she started as an intern for a residential design firm and moved into working as a production assistant for HGTV. There she learned how to produce interior design content for TV. In 2011, she put her knowledge to the test as a featured designer on HGTV’s “Design Wars,” then, in 2013, she joined the design team for the Emmy award-winning show, “Elbow Room.” 

Brown’s experiences in Atlanta taught her a great deal about interior design, but she ultimately decided to move back to Raleigh to continue developing stronger professional opportunities and to connect with her family and loved ones regularly. Brown settled back into life in Raleigh, where she was grateful to be near her family, and the local housing market was booming. Brown joined a small design firm that introduced her to the multi-family market, which gave her a valuable blend of commercial and residential work experience. 

Now, Brown spends her workdays implementing outstanding design with her own interior design practice, McNeill Brown Interior Design, to apply all that she’s learned over the last decade. In her off time, she enjoys spending quality time with her husband and daughter.

Lesli Butler

Interior Designer

Lesli has been an NC resident since 2001 and grew up in the military town of Fayetteville. Her family is originally from Louisiana and moving around as a child taught her the importance of making a new place feel like home. Her passion for creating and understanding how people use their environments led her to complete a bachelor’s degree in Interior Architecture at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

While attending university, Lesli learned how her love for design could be combined with her appreciation of nature through sustainable design methods. Since graduating in 2018, she is still very fervent about sustainability and tries to implement it in all of her work and personal life. As an emerging Interior Designer, she strives to create spaces that tell a story, reflect the people they’re for, and respect the natural environment.  

When Lesli has free time she enjoys doing home “DIY” projects like upcycling thrifted furniture and spending quality time with her family.

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“I have given in and turned on the fireplace in the amazing living room you designed for our family. Didn't know I could fall more in love with this room! It, you and your team are everything!! It feels, smells, looks like everything peaceful, positive, and good. Can't wait to move on to the next room.”

-Maya, Greenville, NC

Our Values

We are a company that serves our clients and collaborates with our businesses with a consistent standard of excellence.



We believe that well designed interior spaces improve your mental and physical health.

Strategic Planning

We know that time is your most valuable resource so we use it wisely.

Purposeful Aesthetics

Your interior should serve your needs without fuss every time it’s been used.

Custom & Tailored Solutions

Our designs include furniture, finishes and window treatments that are unique to you.